The Chisago Soil & Water Conservation District recently purchased a no-till drill to assist landowners in trying out no-till without needing to purchase new equipment and for planting native species. The drill is a Truax OTG 7512 and can be rented from the SWCD on a first-come, first-serve basis. The rental fee is $200, plus $15 per acre. The rental fee covers delivery of the drill to the planting location and help with calibrating the drill.

No-till farming, or planting directly into the previous season’s residue without tilling the soil after harvest, is very beneficial for building soil health. Each time a soil is tilled, it destroys the intricate balance between plant roots, soil microorganisms, and the mineral soil. Microorganisms and roots help give the soil structure (pore spaces for air and water) and fight compaction. Mixing the soil during tillage can break the bonds and collapse the pore spaces, leading to a higher chance of compaction.

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